Transformice Art #26 : This is Halloween!


Hello mice!

We hope you enjoyed the Halloween event! GG to all of you who solved the riddle and good luck to those who aren’t done yet.

It has been a while since we didn’t share any of your awesome fan arts, shame on us, we were too busy trolling you in game. But we’re back with an amazing selection related to Halloween! Wait… Where are Buffy and Archain Von Drekkemaus!? We’d love to see some fan arts related to their love/hate relationship! Throw them at us!!

So tonight for this great Fanarts comeback, we are pleased to present BlueSkyBelow’s, Pyrubble’s, krikdushi’s, yugamisai’s, MissMeower’s, DerpCat’s, ZloggHU’s, Ratinhayowl’s, Kimmymice’s, Lintegrisse’s, Misadoseu’s, Babyborzocska’s, JevJev’s, Conwolf’s and Spinnando‘s art!